C-O-L-L-E-G-E {09/10/14}

A background of my last week...
*Started college (yay me!)
*Learned that elevation is a killer--for EVERYTHING (baking, exercise, walking...) 
*I blame everything on elevation
*Ring checking is a real thing--they're taken ladies, move on
*I rescued a dog, too bad I couldn't keep it thanks to the dorm rules
*Carrying a map around labels you as a freshman 
*BYU's football team is on target (Even Siri says so..ask her.)
*I've been blessed with some awesome roommates
*You have to actually plan your meals before you go grocery shopping or you will be stuck eating chicken every night and cereal every morning
*Every time I make chicken (which is everyday) I'm convinced I'm going to poison myself
*I make some pretty good chicken
*Dates are more fun in college
*I miss my family 
*No matter how hard you try, you can't get a good angle at yourself on FaceTime
*My mom sent me a very heavy care package, which was good because it meant lots of stuff, bad because I had to carry it for half a mile....uphill....in the sun.....and with the elevation...
*Getting up at 4:30 to go to work is harder than it sounded when it was on paper
*You need to bring notebooks to class if you want to take notes
*Sleep is practically non-exisitant
*Brinley is the BEST
*Studying in your dorm room is the worst mistake you can ever make
*Having only three classes a day is REALLY nice
*Making cookies with your roommates makes for some fun times
*A dorm roommate pic is an absolute necessity after the first week of church

So there you have it, my BYU experience so far summarized into a list.  I love BYU and everything about this place. Not only is the campus absolutely beautiful, but the people here are awesome. I will have to say college is a bit different than high school...A LOT different. Teachers don't tell you the assignments that are due, it's on your shoulders to go online and look them up. You also get to choose your schedule. My classes don't start until after 12, which is nice for me because I can get some studying in before class.  Not only that but you get to pray and sing hymns IN class!! It's the best. When you go off to college you learn a lot about yourself. You begin to understand more of the kind of person you are becoming, you learn how well you manage time, the real reasons why you went off to college, and how much your parents really did for you. I think that going off to college is a very important step in people's lives--you become who YOU want to become. I think this is powerful and somewhat scary at the same time. But, as long as you know who you are, and WHOSE you are, the transition comes a little smoother. I have learned this week that if you put your focus on the Lord that everything has purpose. The classes you take have meaning. The time scheduling comes naturally. And you ALWAYS have time to pray and read your scriptures. How grateful I am to attend a University where I can learn with the help of the spirit.

First day of School Pic

Panorama of the Dorm room

(Makin' Cookies+watching Football) Chick Flicks=The best way to spend a Sunday Night

Ladies of Room 1204 from Left to Right: Me, Brinley, Mallory, Jessica, Megan, Abby

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