A Sunday Drive {07/20}

Sundays are always my favorite on vacations. Crazy as it seems, I love going to new wards and meeting new people. It just further strengthens my testimony-no matter where you go in the world the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the same! I love it! 
The islanders have a special way of beginning talks by saying, "aloha brothers and sisters", in which we reply with "aloha". I have never been to a sacrament meeting like that, but I thought every bit of it was amazing. These people have so much love for their Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, along with their neighbors! I was blown away by their kindness and the spirit that was present. One of the speakers discussed the importance of going to the temple. Kauai has no temple, so these people have to fly over to the big island and go that way-they sacrifice both money and time and a lot of these people had neither. I was just amazed at how great of a sacrifice it was for them to make that journey (some only going once a year or once every other year) and how fortunate I am to have the temple 30 minutes away, 50 in traffic. Just something that struck me as important. The rest of the church meetings were filled with the spirit as well. Elder Nash from the quorum of the seventy had visited the ward as well, they said it was fairly normal for general authorities to visit, and I was in awe! I guess it makes sense, this is a vacation spot....just to show you the kindness of this ward, a brother gave out free fruit from his farm afterwards to all members and to those visiting for free, he wanted to make sure everyone had enough to eat and could try all of the best foods, these people truly are the kindest and they have left a mark in my life and have given me some things to think about.

After church we decided to go for a drive, just to see what we could find. And we found the most beautiful areas! Every opportunity we had to pull off on the side of the road and take a picture was taken! We did not miss a single lookout! Ahh, I can't help but think of the goodness of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ! The beauty of this earth testifies of them! Every beautiful thing, it all works in harmony! I love being able to see the natural, untamperd things of the world.

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