The adult life {07/02}

I now have a job. And because I have a job, my vacation days are limited--only because I don't want to give up days when I only nanny Monday and Fridays. My parents and brother and sister all went down to Utah for Lexie's swim camp and left me here because I was working. I didn't mind, I am now officially 18 and have no fears....or so I thought. Luckily, I wasn't home alone on Friday, I went over to a friend's house to watch the last bit of Lord of the Rings and didn't come home until about 8:30, and my aunt Kristin and my cousin Kyra came down to visit because Kyra had a beasketball game--those two days were pretty easy and I thought that the life of no family was pretty fun in some aspects. Until Kristin and Kyra left on Sunday. Our good friends Emy and Trevor invited me over for dinner (which was amazingly delicious), but then eventually I had to go home.....Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn! Being home alone is no walk in the park. I strategically shut doors in my house, slept with two telephones--both of which had 911 on speed dial, annnnd a baseball bat. Talk about paranoid! Every time I would come back into the house I would check to see if the doors were in the same state in which I had left them. I had also never realized just how many doors and turns and possible hiding spots we have in our house! Every corner could have a surprise around it, a possible robber or killer--or so I thought in my mind. Because of the pure fear running through my body, my senses were heightened, which is totally a bad thing when you are already paranoid. I also strengthened my relationship with my pet hamster, Oreo--who provided me with enough entertainment in my downtime. I also made my own dinners, so feel free to call me master chef. ;) Anyways, I had never been so happy to see my family as I had when they met me at lakeshore. I am alive and well, but don't plan on staying home alone any time soon, but I think next time I might be a little more brave...until then I can actually fall asleep at night and not cry every time someone shoots off a firework.

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