They Did Not Doubt {02/15/2015}

"Yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they would not doubt, God would deliver them. And they rehearsed unto me the words of their mothers, saying: We do not doubt our mothers knew it." Alma 56:47-48 

I came across this scripture the other day during my scripture study and immediately thought of my mom and the influence she had on my life, and so I thought I'd blog about it. :)
Almost every time I am walking from point A to point B on campus I am on the phone talking to my Mom. I call her every day, sometimes even twice a day, and occasionally four times a day. Our talks consist of everything from boys, to weather, to work, to how much I am going to die this semester. Sometimes I call her on the verge of tears telling her I am done with college and want to become a professional car driver or caddy for the rest of my life, and immediately I am hit with a pump up talk. She is my biggest cheerleader and the person behind all of my achievements, because I probably wouldn't have had the guts to get though any of that stuff without her.
It's crazy to me how fast you become homesick while away at school. One thing that has become evident to me as I have had the opportunity to go to BYU and be away from home is how much my mom did for me.

  • Cooked dinner
  • Cleaned the house 
  • Made sure that the fridge and pantry was ALWAYS filled with food
  • She bought the cool snacks 
  • Helped me with my homework
  • Watched any/all chick flicks with me (even though I am terrible to watch movies with)
  • Did the laundry, folded it, and then placed it in our rooms
  • Took care of finances: paid the bills!
  • Reminded me of the little things that I needed to do 
  • Called the doctor, dentist, ect. and went with me to my appointments just because I would always have her explain what was wrong with me this time haha
  • Gave hugs when they were needed most
Now that I live exactly 816 miles from her these efforts and many more are made manifest to me on the daily. I now have to wake up early to get my laundry done, actually write down my week to make sure I don't forget anything, schedule my own doctors appointments (and go alone!), and cook all my meals. I knew my mom did a lot for me, but I didn't realize just how much my mom has to do each and every day until I left the house. It's crazy to think the immense amounts of work which Moms do everyday that goes unnoticed by others. I can't think of a greater example of Charity than of a Mom, and more specifically, my mother.  They give up their lives so that they can see you flourish and accomplish such great things, they love more readily than anyone I know, they are nurturing, and have a powerful influence on their children. My mom is my best friend and I am so grateful that I have someone like her! I am grateful that were able to build such a strong relationship with each other before I even got to college, and I cannot stress how important that is for anyone! Mom's are made to love, and they will love you no matter what mistakes you have made, how many times you don't make your bed, or if you forget to take out the trash (after the fifth time she has asked). Mom's are important. And I love my Mom.

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