Meet the Squad {10/12/2014}

It's been a month, so I guess you could say I have gotten all settled in. I have been blessed with the world's greatest roommates. Legit. There couldn't have been a better mix of ladies. So, without further adieu, here are my roommates.

2nd of the Twynnes
"The Musically Talented in Every Aspect" Roomate
Major: Commercial music
Fun factoid-this girl is probably the most hilarious person I have ever met in my entire life. Not only that, but she laughs at my jokes--automatically making her one of the coolest people to ever walk the grounds of BYU. She can make just about everyone in our dorm laugh so hard they cry, and she doesn't even try. I wish I could give an example, but whenever I try and type them out its not as funny as it was in person. Let's just firey serpents may or may not have been involved in these random moments of absolute hilariousness.
Not only that but I think its awesome how musical she is. She can sing, play piano, and write music. Seriously talented if you ask me. She puts in about at least five hours a day practicing and playing the piano! FIVE HOURS. Not to brag or anything, but she was one of the few to get into BYU's music program, so that kind of makes her a big deal.
I seriously love Mallory and her willingness to sit in with me on Friday nights and watch chick flicks! She is someone who you can look to for a good laugh and a fun time.

1st of the Twynnes (by two minutes)
"The Quiet One..Until You Break Her Out of Her Shell" Roommate
Major: Psychology
Megan, Megan, Megan....Seriously love this girl! We have gotten to become such good friends since moving in here. She is one that was a little shy at the beginning, but once you break her out of her shell this girl is a talker! She is someone you can confide in whenever. I have talked to her about some pretty deep stuff, so that means she's good at what she does. Her and I can talk for hours about the most random things and it is AWESOME.
She's currently preparing to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and is a star example to us all in her faith. Her and Mallory attend the temple every Thursday. They make the long walk to the temple at 7:00 in the morning, seriously, both are examples to us all.
Megan used to be my wingman when it came to Friday night chick flick watching, but she has since been going out on Friday nights.
Cool girl, fun person, and even better listener. So many things can be learned from her, she's a true gem.

"The People Person" Roommate
Major: Communications
We rarely see Abby during the day--only because she is hard at work in the library. She took on a heavy load of classes and to top that off she is relief society president for our ward which puts a whole lot of pressure on her, but she handles it so well. Abby is a people person. You put her in a room with anyone and she can make a conversation. She could talk to anyone. We got lost walking to hike the Y the other day, and she just walked up to someone's house and asked for directions! She's just like that! WE LOVE ABBY! Abby is also the cleaner in the dorm. She likes everything to be neat and tidy, which is totally awesome because that means our kitchen and family room are always clean. 
Abby is humble. She reminds me of the importance of being teachable. She's always looking for ways to better herself, and often asks for help. Oh, how I wish I could have the humility of Abby. When it comes to cooking, she is always willing to learn--so much so that she asks to be taught. What an example she has been to me. She's constantly helping out around the dorm and would do anything for anyone--a true example of Christlike love. 

"The Late Nighter" Roommate
Major: Photography
Jessica is a pretty awesome girl. She is so artistic that it's not even funny. Whether she has a camera in her hand or a pencil, she can wow anyone. Her and I both have classes that are later in the day so we spend most of the mornings in the dorm together. She is such a spiritual girl and has a strong testimony. She would never do anything to hurt anyone and is just a genuinely nice person.
Jessica is a late nighter, she legitimately has the most active social life out of all of us (you go girl!) and is out late almost every night hanging with dudes. Super cool girl who can make you feel loved. She is also a pretty stellar cook, she's got some pretty serious skills and I look forward to the day when she makes the pie she's been talking about for a while now!!

THE Roomie (Biasedly my Favorite)
Major: Nursing with a minor in MRS
Relationship status: not so single  
It has been hard to come up for a title for Brinley. There are so many things about her that are absolutely amazing. This little bio section on Brin may be a little longer than the others only because she has become one of my greatest friends. She is seriously one fun girl. It's like a sleepover every night. We stay up until 2 in the morning (if I don't fall asleep before she comes home) talking about deep stuff, random stuff, and just downright funny stuff. She doesn't know how to whisper very well so I'm pretty sure the rest of the room hates us for those late night conversations. We have gotten to the point where we have roommate telepathy. It's pretty rad.
Brinley is selfless. She might be having a rough day but she will make sure that everyone else is having a good one. She constantly makes my bed for me on the days that I forget, cleans the kitchen, loads the dishwasher, unloads the dishwasher, all because she loves to serve. If I have learned one thing from Brinley it's to lose yourself in service to others.
She is hilarious. We have a quote wall up in our dorm with all the funny sayings that the roommates have said...she owns a good 70% of them. There is never a dull moment with Brinley....NEVER. We have way too much fun and can't ever stop talking, which is why we go to the library to study, at different times haha.
This girl's testimony is rooted deeply in her love for the Savior and you can see it in the way she holds herself and even in the way she acts around others. She's not here to please man, but rather to make her Heavenly Father proud. She and I have some good gospel conversations and I learn something new from her everyday. How grateful I am to have someone as awesome as Brinley Hadfield be my roommate.

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