Bliss {07/21}

Totally could not come up with a title for today, so I just used one of the first words that came to mind, and it worked! First of all let me complain a bit. Yes, complain. You see, in my wonderful living space, aka, my room, I again have to share it with my sister (I share a room with her at home, she has bottom bunk, I got top) but because there are no bunk beds, we have to share a king size bed. Unfortunately she is a sheet hog. Which means I sleep without covers. So far, this has been my only complaint. It felt nice to get that out of the system.

I also have been taking the tide packets they provide for the washer. What can I say? I am a poor college student and that's 4 loads of laundry times 8 days which is equivalent to 32 loads--I am totally down for that! 

Now, for today we hung out at the beach, and I am starting to get some pretty gnarly tan lines (see shaved ice picture), and I'm not complaining. We built a sand slug bug thing together, and it didn't even get destroyed--which makes me love private beaches that much more--my parents bought a boogie board because we weren't able to secure the free ones from the hotel. We did some boarding and then hit up the shaved ice stand. And it was soooo good! They put ice cream in the middle of your shaved ice!!! So it's like two amazing things together! Oh goodness, it was like heaven in a styrofoam bowl. 

We eventually headed back to the condo because everyone began to show a tint of red. Dad and Thomas went on a kyak ride and lex, mom, and I hit up a small shopping mall. We wanted to get little souvenirs, and came back with bracelets, necklaces, and earrings-oh! And a was totally worth it though, and we are now equipped with a totally legit Hawaiian outfit! We are ready for whatever Hawaiian party we are invited to! :)

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