Golf is a 4 letter word

Golf is a four letter word. Now, let me give you some background knowledge, there are both good and bad four letter words, and for me, golf falls in each of these categories. First off, golf has been a part of my life from the time I was in 6th grade. I HATED golf (hence the bad kind of four letter word), on the way to golf practice at Heron Lakes Golf Course I would pray that there would be rain hoping they would cancel practice because of the terrible weather, the Lord did answer my prayers, but I still had to play golf. From then on I continued, though I considered quitting multiple times. My Freshman year of golf I made varsity, I was more than elated. I made it all the way to districts, but ended up tying with a fellow member of my team for the last spot to Bi-districts. I lost in a sudden death match with her (I sunk two balls into the water on the playoff hole) and ended up going as an alternate, just in case anyone got sick. From there I started getting lessons from Steve Schadewitz, over the past four years he has turned my game completely around. My sophomore year I made the varsity cut again, this was the year that we had the team loaded with great players. Again, I went to districts. I was sitting in a spot to go straight to state, I teed up on the fifth hole, a par five at Lewis River with OB on the right and trees on the left. During this time my swing had quite the fade, probably around a 25 yard fade...I hit Out of Bounds and then proceeded with two club lengths and a drop (DONT EVER DO THIS!!) because I had never encountered OB. I holed out and asked another coach about what the ruling was because I was still unsure, needless to say, because I teed up on the next hole, I was disqualified. I was then determined to come back the next year and take it all! I played a lot of Oregon Junior Golf tournaments to help me with the coming year's golf tournaments. My Junior year was just the opposite of that actually. I had been having a rough time before my event and shot terribly the two days I played. I luckily made it into Bi-districts at that point--From there I made it to state! I was waaaay excited. I ended up missing the first cut and was sent home, unable to play on the second day. That summer I played more golf than I ever had in my entire life, my parents signed me and my sister up for golf tournaments each week. Lex and I would get up 2 days a week at 6 am to go play 18 holes at Tri Mountain to get better. I didn't play well in my last OJGA tournament and kinda gave up from there. Senior year golf came around and I had to make some serious choices between golf and a job. In the end I chose golf. This season has been a blessing to me and really changed the meaning of the four letter word from something nasty to something that meant the world to me. I played some safe golf at districts and was in first to go to bi-districts. At bi-districts I tripple bogied the very first hole, but I let my Dad's advise of not letting it get to me, I told myself "you have 17 holes left, make it count!" So, I did, I came in second at bi-districts and headed to state. I didn't have my best rounds at State this year (held at Club Green Meadows) but, I made it to the second day and had FUN!

Overall, golf has taught me new things each and every day. I have gained lasting friendships and have had the opportunity to travel around and play some pretty amazing courses against some great golfers. Golf has given me the confidence I have never had before. In order to succeed in golf you need to be confident in your abilities. But moreover golf has taught me trust. Golf is a mental game--and you have to be mentally strong.  I had to learn to trust myself and to really trust my abilities. If I at all doubted anything that I was doing in my game, my scores would crash. These are life values that will remain with me forever. I haven't become the golfer I am today all because of me, my dad introduced me to the game and shared his love of the game with me. My mom came to all my major golf events and cheered me on and even stood up for me. My sister has always participated with me in golf and driven me to always be better (because I couldn't let her win everything haha). My brother has been my lucky charm and always cheers for me the loudest. My golf coaches have taught me so much about golf, but even more about life and myself. But most of all, I would like to thank my Heavenly Father for giving me golf, because golf has brought me more closer to Him. I have learned to rely on my Heavenly Father and have seen His hand in my life and in my game.

For me golf is more than just a game, it's a teacher, a mentor, a trainer, something that breaks you only to put you back together better than it found you, it's something you can hate and love at the same time, it gives you your worst moments as well as your best, and it is something that I have completely fallen in love with. Golf is my favorite four letter word. 

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