Done!......for now

I'm finished! Completely done with the public school run through. Quite a feat if you ask me. The half read books, the spark notes that were called upon during lunch to prepare for a test I had forgotten about, the sleepless nights that left me in sweats and a sweatshirt the next day, the papers that were written, the re-written, then written again, and the countless math problems have all paid off.  I have officially graduated and am now able to do whatever I want with my life--and so far I haven't done that much, but oh well. Graduation was all that it was hyped up to be--there were millions of people, some speeches (that were all so motivational that I wanted to get up and do something with my life), I shook some important guys hand, and then I was handed my diploma case. And it is all still a blur. My whole high school experience was a blur. If high school was a roller coaster--my roller coaster would be CRAZY! It would have speeds as high as 123 mph and speeds low as 7 mph, including some serious ups, some drastic downs, sickening loopty-loops, and maybe even a couple jumps just for the heck of it--I can tell you, it is one sick coaster, because I lived it. I wouldn't ever opt to ride it again, but I never take back the experience. I met some pretty awesome people, and have learned a lot about myself and who I am as a person. Never before in my life have I been pushed and pulled the way I was in High School. But, it has taught me some simple truths in life--to give nothing less than your best. I would like to thank all my teachers and all that they have done for me. Putting up with my crazy talkativeness, my unending questions, and my constant need for attention. I will forever be grateful for everything they have provided me with, and the passion for learning they have given me. I have loved high school and the many memories associated with it. There will be nothing like having lunch in the office of the weight room with all the football guys watching film, nothing like the crowded hallways where nobody knows left from right, and nothing like the teachers who push you to be your best.

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