Fried Food, Bulls, Horses, and Some Pretty Hot Cowboys {07/03}

My very first Rodeo ever-thanks to the wonderful Hadfield family. I didn't know what exactly to expect at a rodeo, so I prepared myself for the unexpected. What I got, was better than what I had expected! Immediately upon walking into the fair grounds you are hit with the smell of fried everything! They fried everything from corndogs to cheesecake to mushrooms. Never before had I seen so many cowboy hats and boots, or beer haha. To get from point A to point B one needed to have excellent skills in maneuvering and dodging flying hands. We finally got some food and were seated and ready to watch the rodeo. It started off with the members of the Rodeo court riding around the stadium, and then the fun began--they had everything! There was bareback riding, bull riding, barrel racing, calf roping, team roping, and a whole bunch of other stuff that I can't quite remember off the top of my head. The announcers and the clown totally made the show that much more exciting, and even more hilarious. Overall, my first rodeo experience has turned me to the country side, thanks to the St. Paul Rodeo ;)

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