FOURTH OF JULY!! {07/04}

Ahhh, my all time favorite holiday. I wait all year long for this one--I love this holiday more than Halloween, Christmas, and even Labor day! You might ask, why in the world do you love the 4th of July more than anything? The answer is simple, I love fireworks, family, and friends. We have three families that get together at our house every year. The result is LOTS of good food, so much so, that you have to come back for seconds just to try all the food because your plate isn't big enough to fit it all! After dinner the boys wait around with ants in their pants, repeatedly asking if they can light off fireworks just yet. The dad's of course say yes because they are just as eager to begin their favorite part of the evening. Everyone moves out to the front yard for the day light fireworks, just because we want to keep the "launching pad" clean for the big stuff. The little boys light off the fireworks one by one, taking the job very seriously, because they are pyros in training, next stop the "launch pad" and only the most experienced little boy gets to take part in that. Next, we move into the backyard for tank races. The basketball court ("the launch pad") is the optimal spot for this race because of its smooth surface. Pretty soon it's dark enough to bring out the big ones. We start with fountains and some of the little stuff  I bought, just to help kill some time while it continues to get darker. Once darkness hits, the launching pad becomes center stage. My dad, Trevor, Wil, and sometimes Thomas take to making the show the best they can. They use the lighters, excuse me, blow torches to light up the fireworks, which then light up the sky above us. The booms are so loud you feel the in your chest. This is the fourth of July. This is the holiday I have come to love so much. I am so grateful to live in a country where I can worship my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, where I can share my beliefs with others. I am so grateful for the many men and women who have so selflessly served our country and fought for our many freedoms. I am proud to be an American.

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