That They Might Have Joy

I have officially graduated from seminary. It has taken me some time to reflect on how seminary has impacted my life. I think the saying, "you only realize the value of something when you now longer have it" applies to this situation. As a Freshman I was beyond elated to go to seminary, I wanted to be up and learning about the gospel--I just have a love for the teachings of Christ. We studied the Doctrine and Covenants and I didn't miss a day (except one because of bi-districts), my teacher--Brother Boyle, was amazing and put 100% into all his lessons and I will forever be grateful for his efforts. My sophomore year I began to grow a bit more in the gospel as a person, I had a deep desire to know if the things I was learning in the class were true. Sister Hadfield helped me to establish a daily scripture pattern which eventually led me to completely finish the Book of Mormon (even though we were supposed to be reading the Old Testament, but I figured I could swap it just this once) which meant waking up an hour earlier than normal. Upon finishing I knelt down to pray to ask if everything I had read was true. It took me weeks to finally get my answer--I had thought that the answer would come with a bang and some heavenly visitation followed by fireworks and some other amazing things. But I heard no bang, had no visit or firework show. But instead I had a feeling, a gradual feeling, the chills you get when you know something is true, the ah-ha moment I receive when I understand a math problem and the way something works. It was a feeling I had felt before, a feeling of truth, of understanding, of light, and right then and there I gained my testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. The next year I had Brother Aldridge as my teacher. He genuinely cared for each of his students and I can't think of a single person who didn't like him. My junior year was the hardest and most rewarding year of my high school career, I had major ups and major downs, but through it all I had the Savior. Never before did I feel more connected with my Savior. We studied the New Testament that year and I learned, more in depth, the teachings of Christ and His infinite atonement. I relied more heavily on the things which I was taught, praying that each day I would gain that greater relationship with my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. My senior year I had the opportunity to study the Book of Mormon. My teacher, Sister Shirley brought the spirit into the classroom each and every day. My senior year wasn't as tough as any of the other years, but I still had some rough waters. Sister Shirley always stressed the importance of where your heart is. I had never really thought about this--and it has become something that has stuck with me. When my heart begins to harden I quickly try and change it around, and it has been a complete game changer for my life.

It's taken me some pondering and some thought, but I know Seminary has changed my life forever. No way would I have ever be where I am now without seminary. It has given me a close group of friends, and scriptures that will lift me up in times of need. It has provided me with understanding, but also has shown me the fruits of labor. And as I look back now Seminary has inspired me to gain a testimony. And here is my testimony that has come because of this wonderful program:
I know without a doubt that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me. I have never felt alone in this life because I know I will always have him there, cheering me on. I know I have a loving Savior, who took upon him the sins of the world so that I can one day return to live with him. I will forever be indebted to his selfless sacrifice. I love both Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, they have helped me through so many difficult times in my life. I have a testimony of the Book of Mormon, as I have come to study it and apply its teachings, I have seen my life go from hard to manageable. From that I also have a testimony of the importance of trials. I know the Lord will help us through trials. I would not be the person I am today without the trials that came. I have had to learn to rely on my Heavenly Father more than ever before, and pour my heart out to him asking him to help me to become strong enough to make it through--and every time, without fail he has come through. He has never taken that trial away from me, he has just made me a stronger person in order for me to get through it. I would never wish my trials away. I also have a testimony of seminary and the impact in can have on someone's life. We might not be able to notice it now, but I know that because I attended seminary I am a changed person. I gave up sleeping time for the Lord, and I have seen the blessings in my life, my testimony has been strengthened because of Seminary. I also believe that seminary teachers are called for specific reasons, and I needed each and everyone of my seminary teachers--they each had something to give and helped me to see the Savior's hand in my life. I love the gospel and all the wonderful teachings found within it, it brings me peace and joy to know I am apart of something so amazing and so true. 

1 comment

Unknown said...

What a wonder testimony Ashley. You are such a great role model for my daughters, and am glad that I can say that I a SO grateful for your shining example that you show to them. I am so blessed to have you as a niece, your example to live high moral standards and your great love you have for our Savior and Father is evident in how you act around others. Your faithfulness and dedication to gain that knowledge is a testimony to all youth that it is possible to "know for a surety". Continue to emulate the Savior in all that you do. I love you so much Ashley, and again thank you for being a role model to my daughters.