My Mom

My mom is...
My number one fan 
A fabulous baker 
Drop dead gorgeous 
A runner
Someone who looks for the best in others
A mother (a good one to boot!) 
A caregiver 
A caddy 
Someone who is always there to listen 
An inspiration 
A very busy woman 
Kind to everyone she meets 
VERY driven 
A "taxi" (or so she calls herself) 

The list could go on and on and mom is an amazing person who always tried her hardest at the hardest job around. She has to do so many different things for our family and sacrifices so much of her time so that we can be happy. I don't think I could ever run things as smoothly as she can, she gives everything her all. As I have grown up I have learned that friends may leave you, boyfriends may break up with you, and people may avoid you, but your mother will always be there for you. My mom is my everything, she has been there through my ups and downs and has picked me up and dusted me off when I fall down, only to tell me to try again. She has taught me so much valuable information that I will continue to use for the rest of my life. I love my mom to the moon and back and can truly call her my best friend :) 

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