Last hurrah for summer..

This is waaaay late, but whatever. Labor Day weekend hit a while ago and our aunt and uncle came down to chill with our family. It was a much needed weekend.....I love my family, I think it's awesome that I get to be related to so many neat people who love me for who I am and who have known me since I was born! You have this sort of connection with everyone, and it's back to Labor Day weekend, it's pretty much a tradition for us to hike the salmon creek trail whenever aunt Kristin and uncle Lance come down, and each and every time we go, something happens, last year my uncle ate the berries that had the blackberry killer sprayed on them, that was no good....this year there was luckily no physical pain or accidental eating of sprayed berries. But, we did encounter an awkward moment. Whenever we go to the salmon creek trail  we stop at what we call out secret place, it's about 2.5 miles in or so, and it has some huge rocks that go to the middle of the stream, they are perfect for sitting on and dangling your toes into the water, so anyways, we decided to hit that place up for lunch, but we encountered a problem, a very loving couple was perched on our rocks! And they were making out, and doing all that nasty stuff. We didn't want to have to go to a different spot, so we sent the little boys down to do what they do best, play in the water and make a lot of noise, but to our dismay, the loving did not cease! We continued to stand up there, but I really wanted to go and put my feet in the water because it was like 100 degrees outside! So, I did, and I must have been the magic charm to make them move, because right after I got on the rocks and jumped to the one that was in the middle of the stream, they left :) victory was mine! And so, we enjoyed our day, and we were able to enjoy our super secret spot to ourselves! 

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