Seniority has hit.

This is it. Senior year. And what is a better way to start off the year than taking your senior pictures?! I had such a great time, not to mention a great photographer, she was literally the best! We went to my favorite place in the whole world, the salmon creek trail, and took my many senior pictures there. It's a tough life haha, but I had waaay too much fun. These pictures are a representation of me, purely and simply me. I am goofy, always smiling, and making sure that I make the best out of everything. You can see in these pictures that I'm not 100% perfect, I have some defaults, but that is what makes me who I am! I love to think that those pictures are really me, I mean, really, that's me! I am a daughter of God, and he has made that body for me, it might not be the skinniest or the most toned body on the planet, but it's mine, and I am so grateful that I got the opportunity have it, flaws and everything, it is who I am :) It is so crazy to look at the pictures and think that is me. I can remember looking on the mirror as a little girl and wondering what I would be like when I was in high school. It was hard to picture exactly in my mind what I would turn out to look like, but I still look like that little 7 year old girl, just a little taller and without the baby cheeks. It's crazy to think of how much time has gone by. To me it seems that Elementary school was forever, Middle school felt like a lifetime, and High School has flown by... I am trying to stay young and do everything I can before I have to become an official adult, but it seems like the days are getting shorter and the months are going by faster.... I might be a 17 year old senior, but I'm really 7 years old at heart :) Forever and always. 
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