A Winter Blast

Ahh, these past three days have been heaven! Here in the Pacific Northwest we don't get snow.....if we do it's usually an inch or so, and it only lasts the afternoon. But in honor of the Olympics in Sochi, Russia, Washington decided that they needed to celebrate as well, with the biggest winter blast that I have ever seen in the 13 years that I have lived in Washington. Thursday afternoon little flurries began, nobody thought much of it , until we all received texts from the district declaring a two hour early release! By the time I reached my car to go home, it had three inches on top! From there it hasn't stopped and we now have 12"! Friday we were snowed in to the point that my parents wouldn't drive, so we did what every normal family would do, we treked the mile to Freddy's. There we found that the glorious butterfinger bar was only fourteen cents! After careful examination of the bars (just to make sure there were no specific reasons as to why these bars were priced rediculously low) we decided to purchase not 5, not 10, but 20! Needless to say, we will now have butterfingers everytime we go to a movie for the next year. Later that day we decided to take another walk, just around the neighborhood across from us, I only got pushed in the snow a couple times...no big deal..On Saturday we built a fort, well first we had a photo shoot and then we built a fort. The fort started out as an igloo, but we quickly realized it would take more than a couple hours to complete this task, so we went to the drawing board, the best idea was to make a dome and hallow it out, so we did. Everything was going along perfectly, Aylexie was the snow shoveler, meaning she went and put snow on the sides of the mound that needed it the most. My dad hallowed the cave out and I was the official snow packer, which meant I got to flatten it with my sled, sometimes even sledding along the side to get the optimal packing done. I didn't hear my father calling from the inside to tell me to stop, and before I knew it, I had caved in the entire right side, it was only a minor setback for the Pedigo's though! We pushed through and came out with one HUGE snow fort! 

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